The main feature of this money-making method is that it requires virtually no gear and can be done right after reaching HOTM 7 as an easy and skill-less way to save up for Divan’s armor and a 655 before getting started.
Sludge mining involves using a jungle pickaxe on blocks in the jungle to get sludge at a rate of 2% chance per block. By using efficient miner, mole, and mineral armor, the amount of blocks broken will increase which leads to an increase in sludge.
This method requires only enough powder for 1800 mining speed to instamine ores, and a decent mole level, up to 171 as the mole perk is still bugged. Also get levels of efficient miner in case any ores appear, which are extra profits.
A decent amount of powder would be 4m/4m (mithril & gemstone), but you can still do this money making method with less powder, albeit with less profits. As with most mining-related money making methods, powder is critical for profits.
HoTM tree:
4/4 Mineral Armor (Can be swapped out for Divan)
Jungle Pickaxe (MANDATORY, preferably on Refined reforge)
Get to around y-level 182 in the Crystal Hollows, this will ensure structures don’t interrupt your mining. Then, mine in a circular sweeping motion to break as many blocks as possible.
That’s it.
Some decent rates should be about 1.5 (1-2) sludge per second, or 90 per minute, or 5400 per hour. Without including ores, at current bazaar prices this is 18 million coins per hour.
You can also mine large coal ore veins, though you shouldn’t go out of your way as they are not the main source of profit from this money making method.
Including ores, this method can earn over $20m+/h with a setup that’s only a few million coins, and up to 30m+/h with a more expensive setup.
Rates are dependent on bazaar prices so they can vary.